Oaken Shield Spell For Psychic Protection

This spell invokes the strong energy of the mighty oak tree, to provide you with powerful protection.

You will need to prepare for the ritual by first bathing in water with a couple of teaspoons of salt added. Salt is a purifier, both physically and spiritually, putting you in a better situation to deal with anything that’s unpleasant. Ideally you should perform the spell skyclad – but that is your own personal choice!

Performance date and time:
Indoors in a new or dark moon, the optimum time for invoking protection.

You Will Need:
Matches or a lighter
One charcoal disc
One fireproof dish or censer to hold the incense
Two teaspoons of loose frankincense (for protection)
One tablespoon of salt
One white candle in a secure holder

Place all the ingredients on the floor in the centre of the space you’ve set aside for your ritual. Light the charcoal, place it in the dish and sprinkle on some frankincense. Carry the smouldering dish anticlockwise around the space to purify the ritual area.

Sprinkle a circle of salt anticlockwise around the perimeter of your work area to seal the ritual space. Now sit down on the floor and light the candle, saying out loud:

Guard and protect me,
Ward and defend me,
Shield of the Oak tree.

Sprinkle more frankincense on the charcoal, slow your breathing and concentrate on the candle flame. Once you feel relaxed, close your eyes and focus on the after-image of the candle behind your eyelids. Picture yourself in a dark space, feeling warm, safe and relaxed. When you’re ready, let yourself visualise the shapes of trees around you.

You are in a clearing in woodland, with sights and sounds of the forest around you. In your vision, you stand up and feel the sensation of the earth on the soles of your feet. Walk towards the nearest tree, an oak. Touch it’s bark and repeat:

Guard and protect me,
Ward and defend me,
Shield of the Oak tree.

Something will now happen to make a large branch from the tree fall to the ground. Next, something will emerge from the woods to chip away at the branch until it becomes a great oaken shield. I won’t give examples of what these things might be, because these aspects of the journey are personal clues, which will help you explore your spiritual path if you decide to revisit this inner landscape to renew the spell.

Take up the oaken shield, which will cover you from knee to throat and recite the following:

Great shield protect me,
Ward and defend me,
Whenever I call thee.
Before me, behind me, above me,
below me,
To the right and to the left of me,
So shall you shield me.

When you feel that you have spent enough time with your shield, sit beneath the oak, and let the scene darken. Return your awareness to your ritual space.
Douse the candle and dispose of the charcoal safely once it has cooled down. Eat and drink something simple to help ground you. You can summon your oaken shield by visualising it every day before you set out into the world.
Renew this spell every dark moon by repeating the journey outlined above for maximum protection

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