

Will O’ The Wisp is a curious light seen flickering in the distance over swamps and marshes. In many parts of the world, the will o’the wisp is attributed to the bog faeries who appear as balls of light in order to lead travellers astray. Others are said to be faeries who carry lanterns to guide the unwary over cliff tops or into marshland. If a person follows one, he may meet his death in a bog or a deep pool. Some particularly viscious will o’the wisps have chased terrified people through mire and thorns, leaving them stranded amid peals of malicious laughter. However, some lights have proved helpful, and shown travellers to safety.

Some say that the lights are the souls of the dead children. Others say that will o’the wisps are the souls of greedy men with hidden treasure, money lenders and swindlers, or people neither good enough for heaven nor evil enough for hell. In Northern Europe, such lights are seen hovering over the tombs or burial mounds of warriors, and are thought to be the souls of the dead, guarding the treasure buried within the grave. In German and Swedish folklore, the lights belong to the souls of those who, in life, disregarded boundary markers and stole a neighbour’s land. In Italy they are souls in purgatory. Seeing a will o’the wisp or corpse candle may be an omen of death, either for the person who sees it, or someone they love.

Science cannot explain fully these strange lights, though there are various theories. The usual explanation is that decomposing organic matter causes methane gas – marsh damp – that ignites spontaneously to form flames and fireballs. These are then blown about on the breeze. In recent years. however, some scientists have disputed the fact that this could happen.

Healing Prayer

Use this while thinking of the person [even yourself] you wish to heal.
Picture that person surrounded with blue, pink, and white healing energy around them, while saying the following words. Feel free to change the language to benefit the person you are trying to heal.
May Isis heal me
As She healed her son Horus
Of all the pains
Which his brother Seth
Brought on him
When he slew his father Osiris.
O Isis!

Great Enchantress heal me,
Save me from all evil things of darkness,
From the epidemic and deadly disease
And infections of all sorts that spring upon me,
As You saved and freed your son Horus.
For I have passed through fire
And am come out of the water;
May I never light upon that day
When I shall say,
I am of no account and pitiable.

O Ra,

Who has spoken for Your body,

O Osiris,

Who prays for Your manifestation.
Ra speaks for the body,
Osiris prays for the manifestation.
Free me from all possible evil,
All hurtful things of darkness, From epidemic and deadly fevers of all kinds.

Bell Protection Spell

You Will Need:

Fiery wall of protection incense


Bells protect against evil; their ringing causes malicious spirits to flee.

Spell Casting

1. Consecrate the bells with the fiery wall of protection incense [pass the bells through the smoke].

2. Charge the bells by holding them in your hands, telling them their mission of protection, aloud if possible.

3. Hang the bells in each corner of the area to be protected.

4. Allegedly, the bells will ring to warn you when danger appears from the direction by spontaneously ringing in that direction.

5. Recharge bells that ring.

6. After an emergency or annual maintenance, repeat the whole ritual.